When you have something important to raise about your village, one of the first steps you can take is to raise it with your Parish Council. Asking for a topic to be discussed on the next Parish Council Meeting can be a good way to get some wider input into the matter too. However for large and significant matters simply including it in an ordinary Parish Council Meeting may not be sufficient.
This is where you can ask for an Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting to happen. At this meeting the sole topic of discussion would be the issue in question. Large developments, such as a housing estate or solar farm application, would be a good example of why an Extraordinary Meeting might be called. And you can ask for one to be held. In fact the more people that ask, the more likely it is that it will happen. Remember, your Council are there to represent you and the views of your village.
Below we’ve listed the website for each Parish Council in the area. On these pages you can find the contact details for your Parish Council.
Bramford & Bramford Tye Parish Council: https://bramford.suffolk.cloud/contact/
Burstall Parish Council: http://burstall.suffolk.cloud/contact-us/
Elmsett Parish Council: http://elmsett.onesuffolk.net/parish-council/councillors/
Flowton Parish Clerk: https://baberghmidsuffolk.moderngov.co.uk/mgParishCouncilDetails.aspx?ID=440
Little Blakenham Parish Clerk: https://littleblakenham.suffolk.cloud/about-us/
Somersham Parish Council: http://somersham.onesuffolk.net/parish-council/
Sproughton Parish Council: http://sproughton.onesuffolk.net/parish-council/
If you have asked for an Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting and one is scheduled then we highly recommend you attend the meeting to ensure your concerns are heard. Should, for whatever reason, you be unable to attend, or the request is not granted, then ensure your concerns are written to the Parish Council. They are there to represent you and your concerns, but they need to know what your concerns are too.
You can also add Burstall PC. Indeed we have an extraordinary Zoom meeting this Thursday to discuss the Solar Farm.
Thank you. We have added you to the list now. Excellent news about the extraordinary meeting for the solar farm. Excellent news about the solar farm. We will help publicise this for you.
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